Monday, April 02, 2007

Zensight Goes to College!

I am pleased to announce that Zensight is going to College!

The College of International Holistic Studies recently approached me to ask me if I would be interested in teaching a one year course with them.

The answer was, absolutely!

This is a wonderful opportunity for me, as when I teach a one or two day workshop, I am always left wishing I could teach people more.

This course will run for 10 months, and occur one weekend every month from September until June. This format allows enrollment even by those who must travel to get to the class, in Milton, Ontario.

The course will consist of teaching/lecture format together with a clinical experiential component.

The course will cover the history of energy psychology, instruction in basic counselling skills as well as the basic aspects of Energy Medicine, EFT, BSFF, TAT, and more. Students will graduate with a Diploma in Energy Psychology.

More details will be coming soon! Please see see for more information about the College of International Holistic Studies.

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